Articles in category: qgis

How to create a map with Qgis and data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

29 December 2013 - It took me a while to figure out how to create a map with Qgis and data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Here’s how I did it.

Link addresses to neighbourhoods (or points to polygons) using Qgis

9 September 2013 - Say, you have a list of addresses and you want to know which neighbourhood they’re in. It turns out this is actually quite easy if you use the free & open source mapping tool Qgis and you have a shapefile of the neighbourhoods. Here’s how it works:

ATMs and cycle paths

11 December 2012 - The habits of cyclists are shaping cities like Amsterdam. “There are many ATMs along the main bicycle path network”, urban planner Marco te Brömmelstroet told Vogelvrije Fietser, the magazine of cyclists’ organisation Fietsersbond.