Articles in category: maps

Is tourist dispersion working? An analysis of Lonely Planet maps

5 August 2018 - For more than fifteen years, Amsterdam has been trying to convince tourists to visit areas outside the city centre. There is a concern that the inner city is approaching the limit of how many tourists it can handle.

Circular Metro and Tram map of Amsterdam

20 July 2018 - This weekend, Amsterdam’s new North-South metro line will open. To celebrate the occasion, Straatkrant Z! offers a free copy of Eric Hammink’s beautiful circular Metro and Tram map of Amsterdam. Z! is a newspaper sold by homeless people.

Embedding tweets in Leaflet popups

11 February 2018 - I just created a map showing where so-called Biro’s (small cars) are parked on the pavement and annoying people. Twitter has quite a few photos of the phenomenon. In some cases, finding their location took a bit of detective work.

How much delay for cyclists is caused by traffic lights

8 January 2017 - The other day I posted an article on how much time cyclists lose at traffic lights in Amsterdam. Someone asked if I can calculate what percentage of total time lost by cyclists is caused by traffic lights. Keep in mind that delays can be caused by traffic lights, but also by crossings without traffic lights, crowded routes and road surface.

Amsterdam houses on the Chinese market

2 October 2016 - In the Guardian, London mayor Sadiq Khan has announced the launch of an investigation into the effect of foreign investment on the London housing market. In Amsterdam, concerns have been voiced over super rich Russians and Chinese buying up property, although this phenomenon is probably in its infancy compared to London. Newspaper het Parool reported that 15 expensive houses have been sold to rich Chinese and Russians in 2014 and identified a canal house, asking price 6.7 million euros, that had been sold to an ‘international investor’.[1]