Articles in category: data
23 August 2020 - The corona crisis has boosted interest in so-called nowcasting. As society changes in unforeseen ways, economists don’t want to wait for the publication of official statistics and look for data sources that provide earlier clues about the state of the economy. A new example of such data is the location data provided in Google’s mobility reports. This data reflects activity levels at locations like shops, supermarkets and workplaces.
28 June 2020 - It’s still unclear what aviation will look like after the impact of the coronavirus and the climate crisis. Meanwhile, one segment has received relatively little attention: business aviation. In this article, I’ll try to explore business aviation at Schiphol Airport. As always, the analysis comes with some caveats.
24 May 2020 - I counted how many articles articles with the term ‘crisis’ appeared in newspapers since the 19th century.
1 March 2020 - Faster transportation made longer commutes possible, which meant cities could grow. But Amsterdam started to grow before tramways were electrified and bicycles became popular. What happened?
18 January 2020 - With the Ping if you care programme, the city of Amsterdam has collected about thirty thousand reports from cyclists: for example about long waiting times at traffic lights or about fast cycling routes. I had the opportunity to do an exploratory analysis for cyclists’ organisation Fietsersbond.