Articles in category: dai

Assignment 3-3

27 May 2016 - In this assignment, we’re to report on a multiple regression analysis. I’m using the Outlook on Life (OOL) surveys dataset and I’ll look into the association between explanatory variables age and interest, and response variable interview duration.

Assignment 3-2

22 May 2016 - In this assignment, we’re required to report on a regression analysis with just one explanatory variable. If we’re using a categorical variable as explanatory variable, we’re to recode it to two categories with values 0 and 1. I’m using the Outlook On Life surveys dataset and I’ll look into the association between age and interview duration. My hypothesis is that duration will be shorter for younger respondents because they require less explanation.

Assignment 3-1

14 May 2016 - In this assignment we’re required to describe the sample, data collection and data management for the dataset we’re using. I’ve opted to use the Outlook On Life surveys dataset to look into the association between union membership and political participation (although I suspect I may have to alter the research question in future assignments). In the text below I’ve used a few quotes from the OOL website.

Assignment 2-4

27 April 2016 - In previous assignments I’ve looked into the association between union membership and political participation among paid employees, using the Outlook On Life surveys dataset. I found that respondents who have a union member in their household are more likely to have engaged in political participation over the past 2 years. This was consistent with what I expected on the basis of a study by Kerrissey and Schofer.

Assignment 2-3

21 April 2016 - In previous assignments I’ve been looking into the association between union membership and political participation (both categorical variables), using the Outlook On Life surveys. For our present assignment we’re to generate a correlation coefficient, so I had to use other variables. I decided to test whether younger respondents tend to have more positive views of Occupy Wallstreet.