Articles in category: cycling

Exploring traffic lights with location data from cyclists’ phones

22 December 2016 - In 2006, Amsterdammers voted Frederiksplein the location with the most irritating traffic light. Now, ten years later, data from the Fietstelweek (Bicycle Counting Week) offer a unique opportunity to map how much time cyclists lose at traffic lights.

Amsterdam has room for another 2.1 million bicycle racks

20 June 2016 - Amsterdam has a persistent shortage of bicycle racks. Bicycle professor Marco te Brömmelstroet argues that this is really a matter of making choices: the space occupied by four parked cars could easily accommodate 30 bicycle racks.

Strava wants my commute data

9 May 2016 - Dutch tv recently aired a fascinating documentary on the «smart city» phenomenon. Companies like Google are teaming up with local governments to further expand their already huge datasets on human behaviour, raising the spectre of total control and absence of privacy (someone used the word panoptical).

Rijwiel, fiets or machine: Dutch words for bicycle

3 July 2015 - The Dutch call their bicycles fiets and sometimes rijwiel, but in the past they also used the word machine, which has a nice futuristic ring to it.

Amsterdam: Are cyclists’ complaints taken seriously

15 June 2015 - Cyclists’ organisation Fietsersbond has a website where you can report dangerous bollards, traffic lights that take ages to turn green, a shortage of bicycle racks, etcetera. A group of volunteers frequently check the status quo. For the good news click here: across the entire city, there are locations where the situation for cyclists appears to have improved.