Articles in category: assignment

Assignment 2-2

13 April 2016 - I’m using the OOL Surveys dataset and I’m interested in the association between union membership and political participation in the US (more specifically, between union membership at the household level and having engaged in at least one out of four forms of political participation over the past 2 years).

Assignment 2-1

5 April 2016 - In this assignment, we’re asked to run an analysis of variance and then conduct post hoc paired comparisons. In earlier assignments I looked into the association between trade union membership and political participation, using the OOL Surveys dataset. The variables I considered are not suitable for the present assignment, so I’ll pick a different issue for now: possible regional variation in opinions about unionised workers (summary statistics about the latter variable here).

Assignment 1-4

30 March 2016 - A little background: I’m using the Outlook on Life Surveys dataset and I’m interested in the relation between union membership and political participation (background here). In my previous assignment, I discussed variables on current employment status; union membership (household level); various political participation variables and a secondary variable on whether respondents have engaged in any of the forms of political participation. I’ve created a subset consisting only of respondents with paid jobs, which I’m using for my analyses.

Assignment 1-3

23 March 2016 - A little background: I’m using the Outlook on Life Surveys dataset and I’m interested in the relation between union membership and political participation (background here). The third assignment is similar to the second one, only we’re required to do some data management before outputting the data. Therefore, I’ll submit an adapted version of the programme and blogpost of the previous assignment.

Assignment 1-2

19 March 2016 - A short recap of the previous assignment: I’m using the Outlook on Life Surveys dataset and I’m interested in the relation between union membership and political participation (details here).